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Granite Mountain Hot Shot Firefighter Autopsy Reports
2013 Yarnell Hill Fire

 The Yarnell Hill Fire was a wildfire near Yarnell, Arizona, ignited by lightning on June 28, 2013. On June 30, it overran and killed 19 members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots. The Granite Mountain Hotshots were a group within the Prescott Fire Department whose mission was to fight wildfires. Founded in 2002 as a fuels mitigation crew, it transitioned to a handcrew in 2004, and ultimately to a hotshot crew in 2008. Below are the autopsy report of each victim that were made public in 2013.

"All men are created equal, but then, a few became firefighters." - Joe Biden

Below are the autopsy report of the fallen firefighters, the  heroes and highly skilled professionals, who put themselves in harm's way to protect the lives and property of fellow citizens. for all of your celebrity autopsy reports

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