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Sean Taylor
April 1, 1983 - November 27, 2007


Sean Taylor, was a young and outstanding professional football player who was a free safety for the Washington Redskins. As he and his family slept in their Florida home, he was shot during a home invasion as he investigated noises within the home. Although Sean managed to survive until he was transported to the hospital, he went into cardiac arrest as a result of excessive blood loss from a gunshot that hit his right femoral artery. The medical team rushed him to the operating room to repair the damage to his right leg; however, he could not be revived and died from his injuries.

The home invasion was one of many burglaries of the Taylor home within several weeks. Five men, Venjah Hunte; Eric Rivera Jr,; Jason Scott Mitchell; Charles Kendrick Lee Wardlow; and Timothy Brown; were charged in connection with the death of Sean Taylor and previous robberies at his residence.

Sean Taylor is buried in Caballero Rivero Woodlawn South Cemetery, Miami, Florida. 

The official cause of his death was listed as a gunshot wound to the right lower extremity.


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